1920's Point and Click "A Golden Wake"
"A Golden Wake" has the distinction of being one of very few games to be described as "Gatsby-esque." Now, does that mean that it is a allegory laden takedown of the American Dream still highly relevant today? A jazz infused kaleidoscope of a movie full of people yelling at you from street corners*?
In this context, it means a movie about crime, love, and parties set in the 1920's. I'm assuming a great deal from the trailer, but it's clear that "A Golden Wake" at least occurs during the 1920's. And people get shot. And you probably manage an inventory. And at some point, you travel from moving car to moving plane, or possibly the other way around.
Rock Paper Shotgun have a nice little article on it here, and you can also find out more from the official website.
*I liked the Luhrman movie, which I guess puts me in the minority. I also really enjoy the sleepy 1970's Robert Redford flick.