Bleeding Cool Investigates the Trail of Cthulhu Bundle of Holding
A nice guide to some of the stuff you can find in the Trail of Cthulhu Bundle of Holding, by Christopher Helton.
The Bundle is a great deal and Trail of Cthulhu is one of my very favorite games. Bookhounds of London is a hell of an idea and just the premise was enough to bring me back to RPG gaming. (Premise being you roleplay an occult bookseller in 1930's London.)

Trail of Cthulhu is a complete game of investigative horror set in the 1930s based on the work of H.P. Lovecraft. The game uses an adapted and enlarged version of Gumshoe, a rules system that offers a laser-like focus on investigation, and encourages characters driven to explore and investigate, even at the expense of their own health and sanity. While licensing the background and creatures seen inChaosium GamesCall of Cthulhu games, Trail of Cthulhu builds on this foundation and give Keepers and players new mysteries to solve and new Lovecraftian horrors to face. Even if you use another game for your Cthuhlu fix, you will find a number of things in Trail of Cthulhu to enrich your games. Designer Ken Hite is probably one of the best horror designers in tabletop RPGs, and certainly one of the best versed in Lovecraft and his writings.Bleeding Cool Investigates the Trail of Cthulhu Bundle of Holding