Mythcreants How to Keep Your Horror Game Scary
Over on the Mythcreants blog, there is a very pertinent article on how to keep your horror game scary. This is a tricky proposition!
Make it clear that you’re running a horror game from the moment you start inviting people to play. Even if the system you’re using implies horror, be explicit. Many a game has fallen apart because of PCs who saw shoggoths as nothing more than medieval tar monsters. The bottom line is, you can’t scare players who don’t want to be scared, and trying will only lead to aggravation all around.There is plenty of helpful advice here. If you're like me, every single time I run a game, I say to myself, "well, that went ok - how could that be better?" I'm preparing to run a game tonight - I haven't exactly decided if I'm running a homebrew dungeon or some Call of Cthulhu, but I may try and put these lessons in practice myself this very evening. Please let me know if you have any tips on running horror games in the comments, or on Facebook. Or, if you think you could write an article on the subject, or any related subject, let me know via an e-mail to The Link: Mythcreants: How to Keep Your Horror Campaign Scary