The Giant Moth That Awaits Us All Cover

New product: The Giant Moth that Awaits Us All for DCC

Released a new product for DCC (Dungeon Crawl Classics), an adventure module called The Giant Moth that Awaits Us All. It was a lot of fun to write and to work with some great artists (specifically my friend and often collaborator Gino Vasconcelos, and the talented Acid Lich who did the cover).

The blurb I've used a few places maybe isn't the best because it doesn't straightforwardly explain the module, so I will take this opportunity to go beat by beat and explain each bullet.

CAPITALISM has run rampant!

The module is about a mining operation led by a wizard described as having a pathological desire to see numbers increase.

ordering FOOD from restaurants is weirdly specific!

There is an extended section in a cafe where ordering food is done through something between sign language and interpretive dance.

plays can end with IMPROMPTU executions!

There is an opportunity to star in a play where the audience can vote on your life, Jason Todd style.

WIZARDS can't be trusted

See above, but also: duh.

BIRDS can talk!

There is an all new class of Bird clerics here, and an encounter inspired by Jack Vance's pelgranes.

If any of that sounds interesting to you, you can get The Giant Moth that Awaits Us All:

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