No Salvation for Witches - Pay What You Want on Indiegogo

no salvation for witches No Salvation for Witches is the new supplement from Lamentations of the Flame Princess, probably the most interesting publisher creating Old School style RPGS today. The kicker here is that this is going to be a full color hardcover book, that you'll be able to PAY WHAT YOU WANT FOR. After they meet their goal (and they will), I believe you will still be required to pay shipping, but this is a pretty incredible deal. I paid 8 Euros, because hey, this is a pretty awesome thing.

Lamentations of the Flame Princess?

Yes Lamentations of the Flame Princess. They make some pretty great stuff. The rules are available for free here. I highly recommend purchasing The Tower of the Stargazer. It's short money, and I think that it will be the best indicator of whether or not LOTFP is right for you or not, and you can play it in an evening.

It's Not Call of Cthulhu

I know, but don't hold it against it. It is still plenty horrific, unforgiving and most importantly, Weird, in that Weird Tales way that we all really enjoy. Lamentations of the Flame Princess: No Salvation for Witches
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