Where to find a Call of Cthulhu game
If you're looking for a Call of Cthulhu game to join, you have a few options. Keepers and players post "looking for game" notices in various places.
Discord servers
Discord seems to be the main way communities organize themselves these days. Some of these invite links may be invalid. Please let me know if one seems to have stopped working at admin@cthulhudice.com. (updated 12/26/2023)
- The Good Friends of Jackson Elias
- The Miskatonic Repository
- Chaosium's Cult of Chaos
- Cthulhu's List Gaming Board
- Call of Cthulhu
The Shoggoth's Lair
I think that r/CallofCthulhu has had LFG posts in the past, however I don't see any today. There is also r/LFG, but that is almost all Dungeons and Dragons 5e.
Paid services
I've never used any of these, but I see paid games popping up on Roll20 (not all paid), and on other online services. I'd imagine a pro-GM should be able to deliver a very specific kind of experience.
- StartPlaying is the one I see referenced most often
- Playabl does not have a ton (or any) Call of Cthulhu at this writing, but it does have many free games available with a story/indie focus.
A convention
Although this won't help you find a group, you can nearly always find a game at a convention. I've played a game or two at Necronomicon when it comes to town.
Your local game store!
Maybe I should have led with this? One of the two close-ish game stores to me has a paid game program where the store owner runs 3-5 games a week for a small fee. You can also just go to one of these places in the meat world to meet people. I find this a little strange myself, but you can communicate in person without a glowing screen to mediate.