Yog-Sothoth.com Eternal Lies Playthrough Podcast

c5de7d533b152e48c028151e859e141d Yog-Sothoth.com just released the first episode of thier Eternal Lies playthrough. The first episode is free, all episodes to follow require a patronage subscription to Yog-Sothoth.com We are actual at work on our own Eternal Lies playthrough podcast, but I want to get a good amount recorded and edited before we start releasing them. Eternal Lies is a great book and a great successor to Shadows and Masks and all that sort of thing. I've been dying to play it since I got the initial art free pdf. I've found Yog-Sothoth's podcasts to be of uneven quality, but I think that is more to do with how hard I have to concentrate to follow it through the accents and the fact that I'm listening to it at work. Eternal Lies Episode 1: The Hangar
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