
Old School RPG Sister site Launched

In case you missed me blabbing about it on Facebook and Twitter, we've launched a sister site. From now on, our primary content here will be Cthulhu gaming, horror gaming...

Old School RPG Sister site Launched

In case you missed me blabbing about it on Facebook and Twitter, we've launched a sister site. From now on, our primary content here will be Cthulhu gaming, horror gaming...

Thirties Horror Movies

I'm working on a short e-book on the subject of horror movies 1930-1939. I'd love to hear any suggestions that you may have on the subject of thirties horror movies!...

Thirties Horror Movies

I'm working on a short e-book on the subject of horror movies 1930-1939. I'd love to hear any suggestions that you may have on the subject of thirties horror movies!...

Joyce Carol Oates on Lovecraft

One of the most battered and well-loved books in my collection is a Lovecraft collection, the Lovecraft reader I most often lend out and carry around with me for my...

Joyce Carol Oates on Lovecraft

One of the most battered and well-loved books in my collection is a Lovecraft collection, the Lovecraft reader I most often lend out and carry around with me for my...

No Salvation for Witches - Pay What You Want on...

No Salvation for Witches is the new supplement from Lamentations of the Flame Princess, probably the most interesting publisher creating Old School style RPGS today. The kicker here is that...

No Salvation for Witches - Pay What You Want on...

No Salvation for Witches is the new supplement from Lamentations of the Flame Princess, probably the most interesting publisher creating Old School style RPGS today. The kicker here is that...

Creating Call of Cthulhu Characters from Pulp Heroes

Creating Call of Cthulhu Characters from Pulp H...

I'm writing a Pulp Call of Cthulhu campaign, and I'm looking to literally populate it with Pulp action heroes, in the same mode as this. I figured I'd translate a handful...

Creating Call of Cthulhu Characters from Pulp H...

I'm writing a Pulp Call of Cthulhu campaign, and I'm looking to literally populate it with Pulp action heroes, in the same mode as this. I figured I'd translate a handful...

Vault of Adepts - Victorian RPG on Kickstarter

Vault of Adepts is a new Victorian themed RPG accepting pledges on Kickstarter at this very moment. Although Lovecraft wrote his stories nearly half a century after the height of...

Vault of Adepts - Victorian RPG on Kickstarter

Vault of Adepts is a new Victorian themed RPG accepting pledges on Kickstarter at this very moment. Although Lovecraft wrote his stories nearly half a century after the height of...